Help310:Menus Menu Manager

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Provides an overview of the menus available on a Joomla site. The screen is used to find, add, edit and delete menus. This includes the details of each individual menu's number of items published, unpublished, trashed and names of linked modules.

The process for adding a menu to the site is normally as follows:

  1. Create a new menu (using this screen)
  2. Create one or more new menu items on the menu. Each menu item will have a specific menu item type
  3. Create one or more menu modules to display the menu on the site. When you create the modules, you will select which menu items (pages) the modules will show on.

How to Access



Column Headers

In the table containing menus these are the different columns as shown below. Click on the column heading to sort the list by that column's value.


Column Filters

Above the column headers on the right, there are 2 dropdown input fields, Sort Table By: (preset to 'Title ascending') and a number (preset to '20') to display.


These column sorting input fields shows the current method of sorting applied to the table. Use the dropdown field choices and click the column heading name. Alternatively, click on the column heading to sort the list by that column's value.

This will also change the value in the drop field to correspond with the column header name. The list will then be sorted in order by that column and a sort icon (up or down arrow) will show next to the column name. Click a second time to reverse the sort, which will change the corresponding drop field.

List Filters

The List Filters are a series of controls that let you limit what menus show in the screen. More than one filter may be entered. In this case, only menus that meet all of the filter conditions will show on the list.

Site and Administrator filter

At the top you will see the following filter:


Filter by Partial Title or ID

In the upper left is a search field and 2 buttons.


Automatic Pagination

Page Controls. When the number of menus is more than one page, you will see a page control bar as shown below. The current page number being viewed is shaded.



At the top left you will see the toolbar.


The functions are:

Quick Tips

Related Information
