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{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_Header/en}} This screen allows you to Enable/Disable extensions. In addition you can uninstall extensions from this screen as well.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_By_Menu/en|Extensions,Manage,Manage}}.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Screenshot_Header/en}} [[File:Help35-Extensions-Manage-Manage-screen-en.png|800px|border|none]]

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Description/en|extensions}}


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Checkbox/en|extensions}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Status/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Name/en}}

*Location. Specifies if this is a site or administrator extension.

*Type. The extension type. Some examples of extension types are module, plug-in, template, language or package.

*Version. The version number of the extension.

*Date. The date this extension was released.

*Author. The author of this extension.

*Folder. If the extension is a plug-in, the subdirectory of your Joomla installation's /plugins directory where the extension is located. By default Joomla! has the following subdirectories in the plugins directory which each represent the different types of plug-ins that are defined: authentication, content, editors, editors-xtd, extension, search, system, user. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Id/en|package|Package ID}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Id/en|extension}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Sort_Number/en|Name ascending}} [[File:Help35-Column-Filter-Extensions-Manage-Name-Ascending-DisplayNum-en.png|right]] {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Sort_Number_Description/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Order/en|Name ascending}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Number/en|extensions}}

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters_Description/en|categories}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters_Search_Tools/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters_Search_Tools_Boxes/en|4}}


Filter by Status [[File:Help30-colheader-manage-select-status-en.png|right]] *- Select Status -: Select the status of Extensions from the dropdown list box.

*Disabled: Installed extensions that are not activated.

*Enabled: Installed extensions that are activated.

*Protected: Installed extensions that are protected. Extensions of this type can not be uninstalled or disabled.

*Unprotected: Installed extensions that are unprotected. Extensions of this type can be uninstalled, enabled or disabled.

Filter by Location [[File:Help35-colheader-select-location-en.png|right]] *- Select Location -: Select an extension client from the dropdown list box of available locations.

*Site: Site extensions are extensions which are designed for use in areas outside of the administrator interface.

*Administrator: Administrator extensions are for the Backend administrative functions of your Joomla installation. Usually you would only directly interact with these extensions through the administrator web interface.

Filter by Type [[File:Help35-colheader-select-extension-type-en.png|right]] *- Select Type -: Select the extension type from the dropdown list box of available types.

Filter by Folder [[File:Help35-colheader-select-folder-en.png|right]] *- Select Folder -: Select a plugin folder from the dropdown list box of available folders. There is a separate folder for each type of plugin defined in your installation of Joomla.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Automatic_Pagination_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Page_Controls/en|extensions}}

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Position/en}}


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Function/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Enable/en| extension(s)}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Disable/en|extension(s)}}

*Refresh Cache. Refresh the information displayed for the selected extension(s).

*Uninstall. Uninstall the selected extension(s). {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Help/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Options/en}}

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Quick_Tips_Header/en}} * Throughout the administrator interface of Joomla you will see the terms "Publish" and "Unpublish". Publish means the same thing as Enable or Activate. Unpublish means the same thing as Disable or Deactivate. You may see the terms used interchangeably in extension screens and help documentation you find online.

* Some information such as Date or Author may not be displayed for an extension. This is not a problem. It merely means the information was not specified by the extension developer in the extension's installation package.

